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Quantum Junction Decal

Looks like photons have it easier in traffic ;).

  • Decal with a physics experiment like a traffic sign

Quantum Junction Decal

Looks like photons have it easier in traffic ;).

articolo n. 18750

combinazione impossibile
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1,95 € *
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* più IVA incl. Spese di spedizione e 3 EUR di sovrapprezzo per piccolo quantitativi se l'importo totale dell'ordine è inferiore ai 5 EUR

Descrizione: Quantum Junction Decal

  • Decal with a physics experiment like a traffic sign

La descrizione di questo prodotto è disponibile solo in inglese. Stiamo lavorando alla traduzione, ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente.
The Quantum Junction Decal shows a traffic sign, the speed of light plus instructions to get in both lanes. It’s a nod to the behaviour of light in the double-slit experiment, in which a light particle, aka photon, is shot at two slits. Instead of passing through one of the two slits, it’s possible – under certain circumstances – for the photon to pass through both slits at the same time! If we circle back to our traffic sign, this would mean that a car would have to merge into both lanes at the same time. Somewhat dangerous, though, fortunately for us, virtually impossible ;).

Dettagli tecnici
  • Dimensions: approx. 10.5 x 15 cm